
Flying Tiger Copenhagen

Flying Tiger Copenhagen is a “variety retailer” of value-for-money products with around 900 stores in 27 Europe and Asia.

The company appeals to customers across age & income groups who appreciate its offering of affordable Scandinavian design-inspired products.

  • Sector
    Consumer goods
  • Country
  • Fund
    EQT VI
  • Entry
  • Exit

Items for home, kitchen, office, school, holiday, play and garden make up the wide and flexible assortment, and hundreds of new items each month ensure that customers find something new every time they come. Some stores, especially in Denmark, also carry certain non-perishable food items such as spices, snacks and drinks.

The company was founded in Copenhagen by Lennart Lajboschitz as a discount surplus store and has since grown and evolved into the current international value-for-money concept.

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