EQT CEO Christian Sinding highlighted our investment approach on the CNBC morning show Squawk Box.
Invitation to presentation of EQT AB’s Q2 2020 announcement
EQT Real Estate accelerates roll-out of Swedish urban logistics platform
EQT fastställer mål för EQT Infrastructure V till EUR 12,5 miljarder
EQT sets target fund size for EQT Infrastructure V at EUR 12.5 billion
EQT’s 2020 Annual Investor Meeting – “a truly digital experience”
EQT avslutar strategisk översyn av affärssegmentet Credit med en försäljning till Bridgepoint
EQT concludes strategic review of Credit business segment with sale to Bridgepoint
EQT Infrastructure to sell Hector Rail Group
EQT introduces largest ever ESG-linked Subscription Credit Facility
EQT ouvre un bureau à Paris et renforce sa présence en Europe continentale