The EQT AB share

Share capital

The table shows historic changes in the Company’s share capital

  • Time EventNumber of SharesChangein number of ordinary sharesChangein number of class C sharesNumberof ordinary shares after the transactionNumberof class C shares after the transactionShare Capital (SEK)ChangeTotal
  • 2019-09-24New Share Issue in connection with the Offering86,634,900-952,983,900-8,663,49095,298,390
  • 2019-11-14Issue and Repurchase of class C shares for the EQT Share program-8,663,490952,983,9008,663,490866,34996,164,739
  • 2021-04-08Share Issue133,296,240-986,280,1408,663,4903,329,62499,494,363
  • 2022-03-01Share Issue27,548,384-993,828,5248,663,490754,838.40100,249,201.40
  • 2022-10-19Share issue3191,200,000-1,185,028,5248,663,49019,120,000119,369,201.40
  • 2023-03-31The conversion of class C shares to ordinary shares365,406- 365,4061,185,393,9308,298,084-119,369,201.40
  • 2023-06-21Cancellation of class C shares and bonus issue4-- 7,068,4231,185,393,9301,229,661-119,369,201.40
  • 2023-12-20Issue and repurchase of class C2 shares and conversion of all class C2 shares to ordinary shares for the EQT Share and Option programs59,306,376-1,244,700,3061,229,6615,965,964.94125,335,166.34
  • 2024-03-06The conversion of class C shares to ordinary shares348,106- 348,1061,245,048,412881,555-125,335,166.34
  • 2024-05-27Cancellation of ordinary shares and bonus issue5- 3,923,000-1,241,125,412881,555-125,335,166.34
  • 1) Paid in kind which was recorded in the company's balance sheet to SEK 6,785,107,787.20, corresponding to SEK 203.78 per share. The purpose of the share issue in kind was to ensure delivery of shares in accordance with the obligations set forth in the purchase agreements relating to the combination with Exeter Property Group.
  • 2) Paid by way of set-off of claim amounting to approximately SEK 3,489,345,219.41, corresponding to a subscription price of approximately SEK 462.26 per share. The purpose of the set-off share issue was to ensure delivery of shares in accordance with the obligations set forth in the purchase agreement relating to the combination with LSP.
  • 3) Paid in kind which was recorded in the company's balance sheet to SEK 38,450,320,000, corresponding to SEK 201.10 per share. The purpose of the share issue in kind was to ensure delivery of shares in accordance with the obligations set forth in the purchase agreement relating to the acquisition of Baring Private Equity Asia.
  • 4) Through the cancellation, the share capital was decreased by SEK 706,842.30, and through the simultaneous bonus issue, the share capital was restored and overall unchanged.
  • 5) Through the cancellation, the share capital was decreased by SEK 394,636.84, and through the simultaneous bonus issue, the share capital was restored and overall unchanged.
  • As of 23 August 2024Ordinary sharesClass C shares1Total
  • Number of issued shares21,241,125,412 (1,241,125,412 votes)881,555 (88,155.5 votes)1,242,006,967 (1,241,213,567.5 votes)
  • Number of EQT AB shares owned by EQT AB360,676,207-60,676,207
  • Number of outstanding shares1,180,449,205 (1,180,449,205 votes)881,555 (88,155.5 votes)1,181,330,760 (1,180,537,360.5 votes)
  • 1) Carry one tenth (1/10) of a vote. Shares owned by EQT AB carry no votes.
  • 2) Total number of shares in EQT AB, i.e. including the number of shares owned by EQT AB and the number of shares outstanding.
  • 3) EQT AB shares owned by EQT AB are not entitled to dividends or carry votes at shareholders’ meetings.