EQT CEO Christian Sinding highlighted our investment approach on the CNBC morning show Squawk Box.
EQT och Ratos lägger kontant bud på Dahl
EQT Scandinavia I acquires Stenqvist from Duni
EQT Scandinavia I and II Acquire the Cultor Group's Baking Division
Successful closing of EQT´s two new funds
Scandinavian Equity Partners acquires Electrolux' European kitchen furniture operations
Investor AB and AEA set up new buy-out fund, with Lars Ramqvist as Chairman
Scandinavian Equity Partners acquires StjärnTV
Scandinavian Equity Partners Ltd. acquires TAC from Incentive AB
Swedish-Danish art and design group formed for crystal, porcelain and silver
Scandinavian Equity Partners' acquisition of FlexLink completed