EQT CEO Christian Sinding highlighted our investment approach on the CNBC morning show Squawk Box.
Lumos Networks and Spirit Communications rebrand as SEGRA
Announcing Partner promotions at EQT
Karo Intressenter AB publishes supplement to offer document regarding its public cash offer to the shareholders in Karo Pharma Aktiebolag
Karo Intressenter AB offentliggör tillägg till erbjudandehandlingen avseende det kontanta offentliga uppköpserbjudandet till aktieägarna i Karo Pharma Aktiebolag
Karo Intressenter AB höjer erbjudandevederlaget i det kontanta offentliga uppköpserbjudandet till aktieägarna i Karo Pharma Aktiebolag och förlänger acceptfristen
Karo Intressenter AB increases the offer price in its public cash offer to the shareholders in Karo Pharma Aktiebolag and extends the acceptance period
First exit by EQT Ventures - sells stake in Small Giant Games at USD 700 million valuation
EQT Real Estate offentliggör, genom Chicago Holding, utfallet av kontanterbjudandet till aktieägarna i Stendörren och förlänger acceptfristen
EQT Real Estate announces, through Chicago Holding, the outcome of the public cash offer to the shareholders of Stendörren and extends the acceptance period
EQT Real Estate expands French portfolio with office acquisition in Paris for EUR 42 million