EQT CEO Christian Sinding highlighted our investment approach on the CNBC morning show Squawk Box.
EQT to sell majority stake in Direct ChassisLink to Funds Managed by Affiliates of Apollo Global Management
Sivantos und Widex schließen Fusion erfolgreich ab: Neues Unternehmen firmiert unter WS Audiology
Sivantos and Widex successfully complete merger: new company to operate as WS Audiology
EQT Real Estate kontrollerar, genom Stendörren Real Estate, 40,67 procent av aktierna och 58,14 procent av rösterna i Stendörren efter den förlängda acceptfristen
EQT Real Estate controls, through Stendörren Real Estate, 40.67 per cent of the shares and 58.14 of the voting rights in Stendörren after the extended acceptance period
Musti: The trusted partner in the furry everyday life of pet parents
EQT Real Estate, Metropolitan Real Estate and STAM Europe sell Paris office Code to CNP Assurances
EQT Real Estate, Metropolitan Real Estate et STAM Europe vendent l’immeuble de bureaux parisien Code à CNP Assurances
Europäische Kommission genehmigt geplanten Zusammenschluss zwischen Widex und Sivantos
Proposed merger between Widex and Sivantos receives final clearance from European Commission