Inbjudan till presentation av EQT AB:s Bokslutskommuniké 2020
Torghatten ASA - Acceptances received under voluntary offer
EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit
EQT Infrastructure V fremsetter tilbud om å erverve alle utestående aksjer i Torghatten ASA gjennom HATI BidCo AS med anbefaling fra styret i Torghatten ASA
EQT Infrastructure V launches offer to acquire all outstanding shares in Torghatten ASA through HATI BidCo AS with recommendation of Board of Directors of Torghatten ASA
EQT AB signs EUR 1 billion Revolving Credit Facility
Offer document regarding Roar BidCo AB's cash offer to the shareholders and Holders of Convertible Bonds in Recipharm AB (publ) made public
Erbjudandehandling avseende Roar BidCo ABs kontantbud till aktieägarna och Konvertibelinnehavarna i Recipharm AB (publ) offentliggjord
EQT VII portfolio company Certara closes Initial Public Offering
EQT Private Equity makes a majority investment in Storable, the leading software & technology provider to the self-storage industry