Real Estate New Sector Focus for EQT Partners

Up until now, real estate has not been on investment advisory firm EQT Partners’ radar. But with the recruitment of two leading specialists in the European real estate sector, it will be. Sector professionals Edouard Fernandez and Rob Rackind, mostly known in the real estate sphere as co-founders of UK-based firm Wainbridge, will as new Partners identify business opportunities within real estate across Europe. Furthermore, Fredrik Elwing joins as Director, dedicated to the real estate initiative.
Edouard Fernandez points out several reasons behind the decision to join forces with EQT.
“Firstly, we knew EQT as one of the most respected private equity firms in the world, with a vast network and strong resources. Secondly, we have the same mindset: EQT started out as entrepreneurs with a passion for developing companies, just like we started Wainbridge being entrepreneurs with a passion for real estate development.”
Together, Rob Rackind, Edouard Fernandez and Fredrik Elwing will scale up EQT’s competence in the area. They have a combined hands-on experience from real estate development and detailed knowledge on structured finance which matches well with EQT’s growth and development approach.
“There are new real estate opportunities opening up across Europe. From the EQT platform, we can add a fresh approach when investigating business possibilities,” explains Rob Rackind.
Lennart Blecher, Deputy Managing Partner and Head of EQT Infrastructure at Investment Advisor EQT Partners, adds: “The real estate segment has long been dominated by North American private equity firms and there is a market opportunity for a pan-European player, applying opportunistic and value add strategies. With Edouard and Rob, we will be able to explore new exciting investment opportunities.”
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