Prestigious award to IP-Only

EQT-owned Swedish telecom company IP-Only AB has been honored with the prestigious award "Company of the Year 2014", at Telekomgalan in Stockholm.
The gala, that took place Wednesday February 4, is annually arranged by Swedish news outlet Telekomnyheterna, and considered a key event for the country’s whole tech- and telecom industry. Seven different awards were presented at the gala, with "Company of the Year" being the absolute top prize. Companies like Spotify, Rebtel and King can be mentioned as winners of the award previous years.
IP-Only, founded in 1999 and acquired by the EQT Mid Market Fund 2013, is a fiber network provider in the Nordics. During EQT’s ownership, IP-Only has developed its position as a strong, independent player in the fiber market, thus creating a much needed sector transformation force. This has impressed the jury, who wrote in their motivation:
“Tough competition is something that benefits both innovation and end customers. For competition to occur, someone need to be brave enough to go forward. The winner this year has managed to lift its vision higher and further than anyone else on the Swedish market, and proved willingness to fight very hard to give us fiber infrastructure in Grums as well as Uppsala.”
"For a challenger like IP-Only on a market dominated by larger players, a recognition from the industry like this is very honoring. It is proof that the whole organization, supported by EQT, has fought very hard to achieve so much in just a year," said Johan Dettel, Director at Investment Advisor EQT Partners.
"We knew when EQT acquired IP-Only that the increasing data traffic would make continued conversion to fiber technology inevitable. With IP-Only as a base, it was possible to create a leading independent and open network operator in Sweden. We are highly pleased and congratulate the team on the fantastic effort," said Jannik Kruse Petersen, Partner at Investment Advisor EQT Partners.
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