CEO Christian Sinding covered EQT's energy transition strategy on the Bloomberg TV show The Opening Trade.
Harry Klagsbrun new Senior Partner of EQT Partners
Indap increases the offer price for Gambro to SEK 113.70 and extends the acceptance period
Indap har erhållit erforderliga godkännanden från relevanta konkurrensmyndigheter avseende budet på Gambro
Indap has received the necessary clearances from relevant competition authorities regarding the offer for Gambro
EQT to acquire Kabel Baden-Württemberg
EQT to acquire Select Service Partner from Compass
EQT sells Tradex to Brady Corporation
Offer Document Gambro - 6 April 2006
Erbjudandehandling Gambro - 6 april 2006
Maybach family again co-owner of MTU Friedrichshafen