Seven new Partner promotions at EQT

2016 was the most active year for EQT since inception in 1994. Three new funds successfully closed, more than 50 new investments signed and around 25 investments fully or partially exited summarizes the year briefly.
Our organization has grown significantly during the year and EQT today has around 460 employees across 14 offices. Our employees are a vital part of EQT’s constant development journey - dedicated colleagues across the globe and investment strategies, always walking that extra mile into making EQT an even more unique and entrepreneurial alternative investments firm.
In this context, it is our pleasure to announce the promotion of the following Directors to Partners effective as of January 1, 2017, and to welcome them into the EQT partnership:
- Johan Dettel, EQT Mid Market Europe, Stockholm, Sweden
- Florian Funk, EQT Mid Market Europe, Munich, Germany
- Albert Gustafsson, EQT Equity, Stockholm, Sweden
- Paul Johnson, EQT Credit, London, UK
- Rikke Kjaer Nielsen, EQT Mid Market Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Erwin Thompson, EQT Infrastructure, New York, US
- Marcus Wallinder, EQT Investor Relations, Stockholm, Sweden
Thomas von Koch, Managing Partner at EQT comments:
“Happy and proud to welcome seven new partners to the EQT Partner Group, all promotions are the result of extreme commitment, professionalism, performance and not the least; passion! This is a people’s business and thanks to all the talent we have within the organization, we continue to develop, rejuvenate and grow EQT into the future.”
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