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EQT looks forward to future cooperation with Oliver Mauss and Mark Stork

Following EQT Mid Market sells stake in TransIP

Oliver Mauss has a long senior leadership experience in the TelCo and hosting space. He is a former senior executive of Vodafone and was CEO of 1&1, the largest European hosting Group. There he, among other things, led a number of M&A transactions consolidating the European market. Mark Stork is a seasoned finance professional and has held multiple executive roles, including being CFO at Multikabel BV (today part of Ziggo) and Ticketscript, where he lead the finance, tax and legal departments. Most recently, Oliver and Mark worked as CEO and CFO respectively for TransIP, a leading domain name, hosting and VPS provider in Benelux, and a former EQT Mid Market investment.

With Oliver Mauss' and Marks Stork's proven track record from the hosting and tech space both globally and in the Benelux, EQT looks forward to a future cooperation with them both in an advisor capacity.

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