EQT files opinion against the report opposing welfare profits
EQT today filed a statement of opinion, signed by the EQT AB Board of Directors, to the report opposing profits in privately run welfare operations (Välfärdsutredningens delbetänkande Ordning och reda i välfärden (SOU 2016:78)). Social Democrat Ilmar Reepalu, previously Mayor of Malmö, has been assigned by the Swedish Government to analyze the issue of profits in private companies operating within education, healthcare and welfare. The report suggests significant profit restrictions or even abolishing profit for private companies operating in the welfare sector in Sweden. EQT strongly disagrees and suggests in the statement of opinion that the government should reject the entire proposal.
"We believe a strong society is built and maintained through cooperation between the private and public sector. With Reepalu's suggestion on capping the profit levels, the strategy seems to be to the contrary. Reject the Reepalu report and focus on how to raise quality, transparency and stimulate innovation instead of what ownership the operators have", states Thomas von Koch, CEO at EQT.
Read the full statement of opinion here (only avaliable in Swedish)
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