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Alfred Berg exercises over-allotment option of shares in Ballingslöv

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Alfred Berg exercises over-allotment option of shares in Ballingslöv

In connection with the initial public offering of shares in Ballingslöv
International AB ("Ballingslöv"), Alfred Berg received an option from
EQT Scandinavia I to sell up to an additional 1,045,761 shares in
Ballingslöv to cover over-allotments, if any. Alfred Berg has now
exercised the over-allotment option in full, which means that EQT
Scandinavia I has divested a total of 6,767,504 shares in Ballingslöv in
connection with the initial public offering.

After exercise of the over-allotment option, EQT Scandinavia I's holding
in Ballingslöv amounts to 1,982,496 shares, corresponding to 18.5
percent of capital and votes in the company.

For additional information

EQT Partners AB
Fredrik Åtting, Partner
Tel: +46 8 440 53 06
Mobile: +46 70 544 06 38

Caroline Rosén, Partner, Investor Relations and Communications
Tel: +46 8 440 53 37
Mobile: +46 70 589 0037

EQT is a northern European private equity group that was established in
1994 and consists of five private equity funds, of which one is EQT
Scandinavia I, with total equity commitments exceeding EUR 3 billion.
EQT's business concept is realised by acquiring and developing high-
quality medium sized companies in Northern Europe. EQT serves as an
active owner and works in close co-operation with the management of the
companies it acquires, to develop and implement value-enhancing
strategies. For each investment, EQT's investment horizon is three to
eight years. EQT Partners AB is the investment advisor for all of EQT's

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