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EQT AB resolves on repurchase of own ordinary shares


The Board of EQT AB (“EQT”) has resolved to repurchase a maximum of 1,800,000 own ordinary shares for a total maximum amount of SEK 500,000,000. The resolution is made by virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on 30 May 2023 to repurchase own shares.

  • EQT intends to repurchase ordinary shares to offset - over time - the dilution impact from shares delivered to EQT’s employees under its Share and Option Incentive Programs, and to deliver shares to its Board Members as Board fees. Such repurchase programs are intended to be executed twice a year
  • Pursuant to this initial repurchase program for EQT, a maximum of 1,800,000 ordinary shares (0.2% of EQT’s share capital, corresponding to approximately SEK 390,000,000 based on the closing price for EQT’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm on 13 July1) are to be repurchased

The purposes of the repurchase program are hence to allocate shares to EQT's Board members and to adjust EQT's capital structure (by way of cancellation of shares). The repurchase program will be carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (“MAR”) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 (the “Safe Harbour Regulation”). The repurchase program will be managed by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (“SEB”) that, based on the trading order given by EQT to SEB, makes its trading decisions regarding timing of the acquisitions independently of EQT.

The repurchase program resolved by the Board is subject to the following terms:

  1. Repurchases may only be effected on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rulebook for Issuers of Shares (the “Rulebook”) as well as in accordance with MAR and the Safe Harbour Regulation.
  2. Repurchases may be made on one or several occasions during the period 17 July – 25 August, 2023.
  1. Repurchases may only be effected at a price per share within the price interval applying on Nasdaq Stockholm from time to time, which refers to the interval between the highest buying price and the lowest selling price continuously disseminated by Nasdaq Stockholm, and in accordance with the restrictions relating to price in the Safe Harbour Regulation.
  1. Repurchases may only be effected in accordance with the restrictions regarding volume for acquisitions of own shares stated in the Rulebook and in the Safe Harbour Regulation.
  1. A maximum of 1,800,000 own ordinary shares may be repurchased for a total maximum amount of SEK 500,000,000.                                                                    
  1. Payment for the shares shall be made in cash.

The total number of shares in EQT is 1,186,623,591 shares, of which 1,185,028,524 are ordinary shares and 1,229,661 are class C shares. EQT does not own any shares in EQT as of the date of this press release. 

SEK 218.8 / share.


Olof Svensson, Head of Shareholder Relations, +46 72 989 09 15
EQT Press Office, 
[email protected], +46 8 506 55 334

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EQT is a purpose-driven global investment organization focused on active ownership strategies. With a Nordic heritage and a global mindset, EQT has a track record of almost three decades of developing companies across multiple geographies, sectors and strategies. EQT has investment strategies covering all phases of a business’ development, from start-up to maturity. EQT today has EUR 126 billion in fee-generating assets under management, within two business segments – Private Capital and Real Assets.

With its roots in the Wallenberg family’s entrepreneurial mindset and philosophy of long-term ownership, EQT is guided by a set of strong values and a distinct corporate culture. EQT manages and advises funds and vehicles that invest across the world with the mission to future-proof companies, generate attractive returns and make a positive impact with everything EQT does.

The EQT AB Group comprises EQT AB (publ) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, which include general partners and fund managers of EQT funds as well as entities advising EQT funds. EQT has offices in more than 20 countries across Europe, Asia and the Americas and more than 1,800 employees.

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