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Grade A education building.

Southside is a full-scale redevelopment asset in central Stockholm that will be developed into a Grade A, modern 14,100 sqm education property

Key Facts

Real Estate





A waterfront view of modern apartment buildings with boats docked along the quay.

About Southside

The Southside asset is located in the Södermalm submarket of central Stockholm with close proximity to key metro lines.

The asset is to be developed into a Grade A education building. At the time of acquisition, Grade A vacancy rates in the Södermalm submarket were approximately 3% with a limited pipeline of Grade A education supply.

The business plan is to redevelop the asset into a prime education building and increase the lettable area by approximately 5,000 sqm through build-out of unutilized building right.

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We are eager to explore how we can achieve great things together.