Neil Wilson
Neil Wilson has been an Advisor to EQT since 2020.
Neil started his career in the early 80’s with GJ Coles, Australia’s largest retailer at the time. This followed a family tradition in retailing and provided the opportunity over a 17 year period to perform different roles in finance and technology.
He then left to be the sole founder of Charter Wilson, a technology advisory business that carried the description of ‘Architects of IT solutions’. After 5 years, this business was acquired by public company Oakton (ASK:OKN) in 2000. After a successful 2 year integration period he became the Chief Operating Officer of Oakton and then in 2005 the Chief Executive Officer. Over a 14 year period he oversaw the acquired and organic growth of Oakton from 100 people to a peak of 1400 with operations across Australia and in India.
Oakton was acquired in 2014 and after a 2 year period of transition he spent close to 4 years as the Chief Executive Officer of the Victoria Racing Club as a sports administrator in an area that had been his hobby for most of his life. During this time he continued to be involved in start-up and established technology companies and took on various board roles.
EQT Board memberships
Chairperson of Nexon Asia Pacific