Cees de Jong
Cees de Jong has been an Advisor to EQT since 2020.
Cees started his career in 1989 with Gist-brocades in the Netherlands, where at age 35 he became divisional president and member of the Executive Committee. In 2000, after the merger with DSM, Cees left and subsequently held various leadership roles and board positions with companies such as Campina, ICI owned Quest International, and Crucell. From 2013 until mid 2018 Cees was President and CEO for Chr. Hansen and under his leadership the Danish listed bioscience company increased its market capitalization from EUR 3,3 bio to well over EUR 10 bio. The company was elected ‘most sustainable company in the world’ during the January 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos. Since 2018 Cees is serving as a Non-Exec on a number of Boards, and in addition he is an investor in several BioTech and MedTech companies.
Cees is an MD by training (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and holds an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management.
EQT Board memberships
Chairperson of Oterra