RIMES Technologies
The global leader in Managed Data Services for financial institutions and a leading provider of Regulatory Technology solutions.
RIMES Technologies serves the complex data needs of financial institutions with customized, scalable and cost-effective Managed Data Services and RegTech solutions.
- Sector
- Country
United Kingdom
- Fund
EQT Mid Market Europe
- Entry
- Exit
Responsible Advisor
Victor Englesson, Robert Maclean

About RIMES Technologies
RIMES has built a strong reputation for best-in-class data quality and today serves more than 350 asset managers, owners, servicers and banks in 45 financial centres globally, including 60 of the top 100 global investment managers and 9 of the top 10 asset servicers in the world.
RIMES Technologies uses its proprietary technology, internal team of data management experts and relationships with 500 data partners to source, validate and configure market data in line with customer needs, ensuring superior data quality and reliability, reduced internal costs and increased operational flexibility.
Market trends and drivers
RIMES Technologies operates in two attractive markets: Managed Data Services and Regulatory Technology. Both exhibit strong growth driven by the increasing regulatory demands placed upon financial institutions, the proliferation in the number of data sources available and their importance to the investment process, and continued outsourcing by financial institutions seeking to reduce costs as industry pressures drive a need for greater efficiency.
Investment potential
EQT will support RIMES Technologies’ vision to be the global leader in Managed Data Services across all forms of market and reference data, including benchmark, risk, ratings, fundamental, economic, alternative, ETF and ESG data. By further investing in RIMES’ technology and internal talent, EQT will support service extensions and enhancements as well as product innovations across RIMES Technologies’ offerings in data management and regulatory technology.
Board of directors
Donal Smith
Board member
Victor Englesson
Board member
Robert Maclean
Board member
Christian Fauvelais
Board member
Robert Jeanbart
Board member
Anna Maria Ewing
Brad Hunt
Stuart Pemble
Do You Want to Know More?
We are eager to explore how we can achieve great things together.