A leading retirement living and community services provider to elderly Australians.
A leading Australian retirement village operator providing community living and support services to more than 10,000 elderly Australians.
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EQT Infrastructure V
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About Levande
Levande is based in Sydney, Australia and is the owner and operator of a portfolio of 58 retirement villages across Australia, providing community living and support services to more than 10,000 residents. Levande’s retirement villages are located in prime locations, near well-established residential and metropolitan areas, or in attractive retirement destinations.
Levande enjoys high occupancy rates and resident satisfaction.The business has a strong track record of growing its portfolio through delivering high-quality new village developments and redevelopment of existing villages.
Market trends and drivers
The housing, care, and support of elderly Australians is of critical importance given the country’s ageing population. Levande’s residents sit within this growing demographic, a group that is has higher wealth than prior generations and an increasing preference for the security offered by retirement living. This increased demand has continued to outpace supply, leading to a significant growth opportunity for the business.
Levande is focused on the highest growth markets within Australia, with favourable customer demographics. There is also increasing regulatory and consumer support in Australia for integrated care models, which Levande is well positioned to deliver given its access to residents and strong reputation for quality.
Investment potential
EQT is uniquely positioned to deliver value creation through its global experience in retirement living and aged care from Metlifecare, Charleston, and Colisée. EQT is committed to supporting the significant unfilled demand for an integrated care offering in Australia, with Levande’s retirement village portfolio providing the ideal platform from which to redefine retirement living in Australia.
Board of directors
David Gonski
Board member
Toni Milis
Board member
Anne Cross
Board member
Julian Cook
Board member
Murray Jordan
Board member
Tobias Küng
Kevin McCoy
Alex Smith
Do You Want to Know More?
We are eager to explore how we can achieve great things together.