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Current Portfolio

Kabel Baden-Württemberg

EQT acquired Kabel BW in 2006 from private equity group Blackstone.

With EQT’s support, Kabel BW invested over EUR 600 million in Capex and established one of the most modern networks in Europe.

Key Facts






About Kabel Baden-Württemberg

This not only enabled the company to provide internet transfer speeds of up to 100 MBits/s but also to introduce attractive new products. The number of broadband internet and telephone clients (“CleverKabel”) increased by more 177% during EQT’s ownership. Further investment-based contributions to Kabel BW’s future growth included a growing number of rented HD receivers and recorders, the company’s own pay-TV offer “MeinTV”, as well as a partnership with Sky and video on demand services offering around 1,000 blockbusters and film classics, partly in HD. Mobile voice services in addition to mobile data transmission was also introduced during EQT’s ownership.,

In March 2011, EQT IV and V sold KBW to Liberty Global, Inc. for en Enterprise Value of EUR 3.16 billion.

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