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Current Portfolio

Guardian Shanghai Hygiene Service Ltd.

Guardian is the largest local independent Pest Control Operator in China.

Guardian is the largest local independent PCO in China focusing on high-end commercial markets. Guardian’s mission is to improve hygiene standards and living conditions in cities through efficient and sustainable pest control.

Key Facts



Greater China



Four people in matching uniforms stand outside a modern building.

About Guardian Shanghai Hygiene Service Ltd.

Headquartered in Shanghai and founded in 2011 by ex-Rentokil China GM Chuck JIANG, Guardian is equipped with international technical know-how and a professional management team. The Company has completed 14 historical M&As with robust growth track record. It has also established strong positions in high-end private commercials (international chained restaurants, retail shops, etc.) and public (airport) verticals with fast growth

Market trends and drivers

China PCO market is estimated at approximately RMB 20 billion and is expected to maintain about 11 percent CAGR to reach RMB 41 billion by 2027, driven by rising urbanization (64 percent in China vs. over 80 percent in the EU and the US as of 2020), rising upper middle class, increasing awareness towards healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and favorable regulatory push.

The market is highly fragmented with the top five players accounting for less than 5 percent market share, leaving ample room for market consolidation and winners to emerge.

Investment potential

EQT will support Guardian in its next phase of growth through improvements in its digital backbone, including investments in innovation and technology, online customer engagement strategy and digital service offerings, for example, smart rodent-traps. Guardian will also benefit from EQT’s sub-sector expertise within route-based services and planning, as well as merger and acquisition capabilities.Board of directors

Board of directors


May Tan

Board member

Jarl Dahlfors

Board member

Jack Zhou

Board member

Chuck Jiang

Board member

Guy Cui



Chuck Jiang


Heng Su


Zoe Zheng

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