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Current Portfolio


A leading global premium men’s shirt brand, offering shirts and directly linked accessories.

Eton has historically operated a wholesale-based route to market strategy, but with growing share of own distribution channels (own online store and brand stores).

Key Facts

Consumer Goods









A neatly folded white dress shirt with a label reading "ETON" inside the collar.

About Eton

Eton was founded by Annie and David Pettersson in Gånghester, Sweden in 1928. Since its inception, the company has solely been focused on making superior quality shirts. The company was early proven outside Sweden and the Nordic region, evident by its entrance into the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Eton has since grown with a highly reputable customer base comprising some of the world’s most exclusive department stores and retailers in Europe and North America. The expansion has accelerated during recent years, with the introduction of its own online store and selective openings of own brand stores. Eton is today serving its customers in more than 50 countries.

Market trends and drivers

Eton operates in a large and resilient niche of the apparel market with recurring customers due to the products’ staple characteristics and high customer loyalty. The men’s premium shirt market is characterized by structural growth and higher protection against traditional apparel risks (such as fashion and weather risks). Market growth is driven by the evolution of middle class boosting premium demand and continued economic growth.

Investment potential

Focus on accelerating growth through omni-channel transformation to benefit from attractive secular (e-commerce) trends. Focus for Eton is continued geographical growth, strategic collaborations with wholesale partners and to further develop its own online store as growth engine.

Board of directors


Peter Sjölander

Board member

Albert Gustafsson

Board member

Denise Fender

Board member

Henrik Bunge

Board member

Jessica Ahlén Stockhaus

Board member

Sara Beneventi

Board member

Joanna Hummel

Board member

Simon Tillmo



David Thörewik


Mattias Stensson

Global Sales Director

Erik Wilkinson

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