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BBS Automation

A leading provider of flexible and high-quality automation solutions for complex manufacturing and testing processes.

The company develops and manufactures tailor-made automated assembly and testing applications for customers from a wide range of industries.

Key Facts

Industrial Technology




EQT Mid Market Europe





Responsible Advisor

Andreas Aschenbrenner

About BBS Automation

The company was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany. With more than 1000 employees across production sites in Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, China, Malaysia and the US, BBS Automation partners with blue chip customers on a global scale. BBS develops assembly and testing applications for highly specific processes in close cooperation with their customers.

Market trends and drivers

Automation is transforming production processes around the globe, driven by the continuous strive for an efficient production, higher quality, and a generally improved working environment. The technological breakthroughs in robotics and connectivity bring multiple opportunities, such as opening-up new end markets for automation to respond to customers’ demands for increasingly individualized mass production with ever short product lifecycles. BBS Automation enables its customers to respond to these trends by automating their global value chains.

Investment potential

Building on its long-term experience in the Industrial Technology space, EQT Mid Market Europe and EQT Mid Market Asia team up to support BBS Automation’s growth ambitions both organically and through add-on acquisitions. Furthermore, EQT’s global network, in particular the presence in China and in the US, will support the company in further expanding its global footprint to better serve their blue-chip customers.

Board of directors


Katrin Suder

Board member

Andreas Aschenbrenner

Board member

Dr. Markus Flik

Board member

Dr. Ralf Cramer



Josef Wildgruber


Christian Hammel

Do You Want to Know More?

We are eager to explore how we can achieve great things together.