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EQT slutför försäljningen av Nordic Info Group A/S till Experian

EQT slutför försäljningen av Nordic Info Group A/S till Experian

Den 28 januari 2003 slutförde EQT försäljningen av Nordic Info Group A/S
med dotterbolag till Experian. Köpeskillingen uppgår till ca 1,1 miljard

Kontakt: Bjørn Høi Jensen, Partner, EQT Partners GmbH, +49 170 792 62 10

För ytterligare information om EQT kontakta:
Caroline Rosén, Partner, IR & Communication, EQT Partners AB,
+ 46 8 440 53 37

EQT is a group of private equity funds with equity commitments exceeding
EUR 3 billion and is sponsored by Investor AB, the publicly listed
holding company of the Wallenberg foundations. EQT Partners, acting as
investment advisor to all EQT funds, has offices in Stockholm,
Copenhagen, Helsinki and Munich. EQT realises its business concept by
acquiring and developing high-quality medium sized companies in Northern
Europe. EQT serves as an active owner and works in close co-operation
with the management of the companies it acquires, to develop and
implement value-enhancing strategies.

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